
4 agencies, 100+ people, an unrivalled level of product expertise

Working together to improve the world


The Product Partnership (TPP) brings together four leading creative companies that, while remaining fully independant, also see the benefits of close collaboration in order to deliver the widest range of product development capabilities you'll find anywhere in the UK. We call this approach “Joined Up Thinking”. Work with TPP to take your product
from idea to launch


Who started it & when

The Product Partnership started life in 2017 with three partners: Cubik, Realise and Amalgam. These three had often worked together and sensed a demand for a full product development service, but with the flexibility of working with a smaller company... and TPP was formed. Then, in 2021, after working with Newicon on a number of projects over the years, they were also invited into the TPP fold.


Why it started

Bringing any product through the development process from concept to production often requires some very similar core skillsets. Design, Prototyping, Electronics and Software are all key elements to a successful outcome. The partners of TPP can offer a one-stop shop to cover all these and more – or, if appropriate, clients can engage with any number of our partners and associates as best serves their needs.

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Looking to get started with your project?

Speak to our innovation consultant, Huw Robson, for a complimentary/free consultation to clarify your product goals.


As seperate agencies, our four partners have worked with some of the biggest and brightest organisations on the planet. Together, we bring that experience and knowledge to

Looking to get your project started?

Get in touch with our innovation consultant to begin your innovation journey.